Saturday, January 26, 2013

United Nations Declaration of Rights of Man

On December 10 1948 there was the United Nations Declaration of the Fundamental Human Rights. This is known as the United Nations Declaration of the Universal Human Rights clearly spelt out in its Article 30. There is the right to life.This means that no one has right to take human life through extra judicial killing of any sort whatsoever. Then there is the right to private life or right to privacy. This means that people,s privacy will not be intruded upon or violated. Then the right to freedom of conscience or religion. No one will be forced to follow any religion or creed. Adherents of various religions should seek for members through persuasion and not through force of arms. You can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink. This shows the futility of trying to force some body to believe in what you believe through the use of arms.Then the right to freedom of association. Individuals are free to form associations or groups and to join any group or party they like. There is also the right to own property. Every person has the right to acquire legally and maintain it as his own. There is the right to family life. People have right to private and public life. Then the right to education. Every child has the right to be educated.This means that parents are under obligation to train their children in schools. Failure in this aspect on the part of the parents may even lead to litigation. Such parents may be arraigned to answer for such lapses. Then the right to vote and be voted for.Every individual has the right to seek elective offices up to becoming the president of his country. There is the right to freedom of movement.People have the right to move about freely.But this however, does not include loitering.Of course there is a law against loitering and a loiterer can be prosecuted when spotted. To be continued.

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