Monday, December 26, 2016

Philosophy and Goals of Education in Nigeria continued

No 8 continued.In order to fully realize the goals of Education in Nigeria and gain from its contribution to the national economy, Gover nment shall take necessary measures to ensure that: 5.special provisions and incentives shall be made for the study of the sciences at each level of the education system; 6. continuing education shall be part and parcel of the education system; and 7. every child shall be taught in the mother tongue or language of the immediate communityy for the first four years of basic education, In addition, it is expected that every child shall learn one Nigeria language. The quality of instruction at all levels of education shall be oriented towards inculcating the following values: a.Respect for the worth and dignity ofthe individual; b. Faith in man's ability to make rational decisions; c. Moral and spiritual principles in inter-personal and human relations; d.Shared responsibility for the common good of society; e.Promotion of the physical,emotional and psychological development of all children; and f'Acquisition of functional skill and competencies necessary for self-reliance. BASIC EDUCATION Basic education is the education given to children aged between 10-15 years . It encompasses the Early Child Education (0-4) and 10 years of formal schooling. Early Child Education however is segmentedinto ages 0-4 years, situated in daycare or creches, fully in the hands of the private sector To be continued

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Nigeria philosophy of Education continued

D iii.The goals of education in Nigeria are the provision of equal access to qualitative educational opportunities for all citizens at all levels of education, within and outside the formal school system; iv. inculcation of national consciousness, values and national unity; and v. development of appropriate skills, mental, physical and social abilities and competencies to empower the individual to live in and contribute positively to the society. E. The specific goals of education in Nigeria are to : 1. Ensure and sustain unfettered access and equity to education for the total development of the indivivdual; 2.ensure the quality of education delivery at all levels; 3. promote functional education for skill acquisition, job creation and poverty reduction; 4. ensure periodic review, effectiveness and relevance of the curriculum at all levels to meet the needs of the society and theworld of work. 5.collaborate with development partners, the private sector, non-Governmental Organizations and local communities to support and fund education; and 6. promote information and communication technology capability at all levels. E. In order to fully realize the goals of education in Nigeria and gain from its contribution to the national economy, Government shall take necessary measures to ensure that : 1.Educational activities shall be learner centred for maximum self-development and self-fulfilment; 2. teaching shall be practical, activity-centred, experiential and IT supported; shall be related to overall community needs; 4.all tiers of government the establishment and support of Reading Clubs in schools, Community Libraries and other such resources that will enhance effective learning. To be continued

Nigeria Philosophy of Education

Nigeria's philosophy of Education is based on the following set of beliefs: a.Education is an instrument for national development and social change. b.Education is vital for the promotion of a progressive and united Nigeria. c.Education maximises the creative potentials and skills of the individual for self-fulfilment and general development of the society. d.Education is compulsory and a right of every Nigerian irrespective of gender, social status, religion,ethnic background and any peculiar individual challenges; and e.Education is to be qualitative, comprehensive, functional and relevant to the needs of the society. B. This philosophy of Nigeria education is based on the development of the individual into a sound and effective citizen and the provision of equal opportunities for all citizens of the nation at the basic, secondary and tertiary levels both inside and outside the formal school system. C.The five main national goals of Nigeria as stated in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria are the building of 1.a free and democratic society; 2.a just and egalitarian society; 3.a united, strong and self-reliant nation; 4.a great and dynamic economy and 5. a land full of bright opportunities for all citizens. D.The goals of education in Nigeria are the: i. Development of the individual into a morally sound,patriotic and effective citizen; Total integration of the individual into the immediate community, the Nigerian society and the world; To be continued