Monday, May 27, 2013

Salvation only through Christ

From the dawn of history man has been searching to be in tune with his maker , consciously or unconsciously. Even in the universities in the so called Department of Philosophies where people make argument about the existence of God they end up proving the atheists wrong. This emanates from the fact that they did not invent the word God. It is inert in man to seek for his maker since man did not come here by chance.It is man's search for his maker that has led him into different religions.Then God in his infinite mercies sent his son Jesus Christ to save the world from sin. The problem of the human race from the dawn of his has been the sin problem.So the culmination of God's mercy for man is giving of his son Jesus Christ to save the world from their sins. The reader should refer to the gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16, here it states 'For God so loved the world that he gave his own begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life'. So what is central in human life is to repent of one's sins and believe in the son of God. Life is the first thing in in this world. This is why you will first of all secure you soul and life in Christ so that you will be safe from the machinations of the devil, the enemy of mankind. Just at a given point in time after the deluge mankind converged again at Shinar (Babylon) to rebel against God. We that what caused the deluge (Noah's flood) is the sin of man.Refer to Genesis chapter 6 and you will see God's judgement on the first world because of corruption(sin). Immediately after that flood mankind converged at Shinar to rebel against God again. They have failed to learn any lesson from the first judgement. There at Shinar they wanted to build a tower to reach to heaven. This was why the LORD came down and brought confusion in their language. That was the beginning of the many languages we have today.Don't this issue of language teach you how wonderful God is. So if you have not received Christ into your heart as your personal Lord and Saviour, you should kneel down now and pray this prayer to receive Christ into your heart: Lord Jesus, come into my heart to wash away my sins, for I repent of my sins today.Holy Father I pray in Jesus name, amen. After praying believe that Jesus has entered your heart and it will be done for you, see Revelation 3 verse 20.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

United Nations Declaration of Rights of Man

On December 10 1948 there was the United Nations Declaration of the Fundamental Human Rights. This is known as the United Nations Declaration of the Universal Human Rights clearly spelt out in its Article 30. There is the right to life.This means that no one has right to take human life through extra judicial killing of any sort whatsoever. Then there is the right to private life or right to privacy. This means that people,s privacy will not be intruded upon or violated. Then the right to freedom of conscience or religion. No one will be forced to follow any religion or creed. Adherents of various religions should seek for members through persuasion and not through force of arms. You can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink. This shows the futility of trying to force some body to believe in what you believe through the use of arms.Then the right to freedom of association. Individuals are free to form associations or groups and to join any group or party they like. There is also the right to own property. Every person has the right to acquire legally and maintain it as his own. There is the right to family life. People have right to private and public life. Then the right to education. Every child has the right to be educated.This means that parents are under obligation to train their children in schools. Failure in this aspect on the part of the parents may even lead to litigation. Such parents may be arraigned to answer for such lapses. Then the right to vote and be voted for.Every individual has the right to seek elective offices up to becoming the president of his country. There is the right to freedom of movement.People have the right to move about freely.But this however, does not include loitering.Of course there is a law against loitering and a loiterer can be prosecuted when spotted. To be continued.