Friday, April 9, 2010

बेनेफिट्स ऑफ़ एक्टिवे Blogging

It is very beneficial to engage in active blogging in the internet. First, it gives one the opportunity for profitable academic activity. The academic engagement is such that one is trained latently on the techniques of article publications which in turn helps one to develop sound academic knowledge. One is tailored to making worthwhile academic exercises that will help one in future life. I recommend blogging as a good pass time to retirees who have a taste for further learning and a flair for writing.

Again the issue of blogging is also profitable financially. Although we are not saying one gets millions of dollars in blogging, it is pertinent to note that there is pay per click if people visit your blog and make valid clicks. It is gratifying that one gets a kind of income through relaxation by blogging. Even if one is employed one can use his own spare time to blog and earn more money to add to his income. Many have already understood the benefit of blogging and are already engaged in the relaxation cum business. I therefore recommend blogging to all.

Friday, April 2, 2010

इंग्लिश ग्राम्मर: फिनिते वेर्ब Phrases

In this lesson we shall discuss the use of finite verbs.Some people misuse verb tenses owing to lack of knowledge of the workings of both infinite and finite verb phrases in grammatical contexts.First it must be noted that finite verb phrases have tense distinction. In any given grammatical context, finite verb phrases have tense distinction, that is present and past tenses used to determine grammatical time relations. For instance in the sentence, 'Obi is going to the market', 'is' is a finite verb because it shows time distinction, that is differentiation, to show present or past. The above sentence shows present tense,by the use of 'is' but the action is progressive. The verbal action here refers to aspect which I shall discuss in my next lecture. The above sentence can be turned to past tense thus: 'Obi was going to the market.' In the sentence above 'going' is not a finite verb and as such does not undergo any change. It remains constant. For instance it is wrong to write or say 'Obi was went to the market' in an attempt to turn the above sentence into past tense, that is trying to turn 'going' into past tense which is not possible in the above grammatical conext. You cannot turn 'going' into past tense in the above sentence because it is not a finite verb. Non-finite verb phrases cannot be turned to past tense in any grammatical context. For instance, the sentence 'I want to go home' is in the present tense by the use of the finite verb 'want'. Its past tense is 'I wanted to go home'. 'To go' is an infinitive phrase and therefore cannot be turned to past tense. You cannot write or say 'I wanted to went home'.

In summary therefore, it is only finite verb phrases that have tense distinction, that is you can turn them to past tense and vice versa.